Dekina Water Works’ Auction: Anomie Of Akeem And Akeem Legal Client

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Lawyers in this part of the world often arrogate the word”Learned” to their titles. They could be right as the predecessors of the learners of Law erroneously arrogate the appellation of learned to the profession, whilst other classes of learners should be classified as unlearned.

But to a large extent, not all law learners are actually learned. Some are more stark illiterates in the profession they professed to be learned than the ignorant.

It is in the mould of the unlearned persons in the profession of the Learned that one Barrister Abdulkareem Audu Esq of Akeem and Akeem law firm enmeshed the profession.

Akeem and Akeem , and her principal partner, Abdulkareem Audu had arrogantly allocated absolute powers of immunity of words to itself, no matter whose Ox is gored by their uncouth unguided, tantrums and slanderous imputations to his prey. To the Law firm, the learned toga that is hung on the profession afforded her every sense of irresponsibility to ventilate their venoms on hapless perceived opponents. The law firm was determined to go down the abyss of absurdity without recourse to the fundamental Rights of others to fine taste and decorum, even , when the accuser is still innocent, to borrow from the law.


This is why the Concerned Citizens of Dekina Local Government area have picked holes with uncomplementary remarks against the office and person of Commissioner for Water Resources, Engr. Yahaya Farouk, who in the course of his duties became their subject of attack.

We the affected concerned community are worried by the choice of words employed by the said unlearned legal collosus to ridicule the Commissioner of Water Resources to smear his image and integrity that he had laboured over times to maintain in the eyes of the reasonable persons in the society even when the action perse was committed before his assumption of office.

The words used in the flawed petition were insignificant to the materials of the issue and by his estimation has portrayed the revered Commissioner guilty as charged, which in every sense of decurum, is guiltless before the law which he profess to uphold.


To us, even a nitwit , would have calculated the import of the words before dancing naked in the marketplace. A nude dancer exposes himself/herself to an imbalance of the head .

We challenge him to make open the due process, his client followed without underhand current, when, he could not explicitly unearth the authorisation of the process.

We equally challenge him to show the world that the purported auction was done in good faith, and if, the host community were in the know before the shambolic auction of properties of the water board were sold off.

The concerned citizens noted that the actions of his principal to cannibalise through flawed auction of the properties that belong to the people, and which is their only source of water intake of the thousands of people in the community does not amount to adding salt to the injury incurred by the epileptic water board for the citizens.


We challenge him to be courageous to face the community to cart away the properties of water board, and to leave the innocent Commissioner who is working diligently to restore water supply to the people, as writing frivolous threat letters wouldn’t dampen the spirit of the people to safeguard and protect government property located in their domain.

Recall that one Abdulkareem Audu Esq on behalf of AD-SAAP Nig. Limited had on the 28 Day of June, 2024 Written a letter to the Honourable Commissioner for Water Resources, a petition in the knowledge of the Community for his role in the inability of the company to cart away properties belong to Water Board in Dekina and Ayingba Water treatment facility, with a threat to institute legal suit against him.

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