Kogi PIBCID Never Suspended Me, I Duely Resigned – Sadiq Replies BoT Chairman

... As lawyer warns Usman over malicious publications

By Amuda Dan Sulaiman Fab

The former Kogi State Director-General,
Participation Initiative for Behavioural Change in Development, (PIBCID), Ms Halima Oiza Sadiq, says she was never suspended by the PIBCID as claimed by the BoT Chairman, Momoh Muhammed Usman.

The Ex-Director-General, in a statement issued yesterday, said the purported suspension was a “big fake news.”

She said the decision to speak out was necessary because of “the numerous calls I received from members of the public who were unaware that I was not in any case suspended by PIBCID during my tenure and that my purported suspension was not real.

She said: “I duely resigned my appointment after so many threats to my live by the PIBCID BoT Chairman, Momoh Muhammed Usman, since I turned down his request to marry me.

In a related development, counsel to the former Director-General, Barrister Peter Erivwode, has also warned the BoT Chairman from any further action that tends to bring his client’s personality and reputations to a state of disrepute, saying that any further step in that direction will be resisted within the ambit of the law.

Barrister Erivwode’s statement reads in part:



We are Solicitors to Halima Oiza Sadiq hereinafter referred to as our Client on whose unequivocal instruction we make this rejoinder.

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Our client’s attention has been drawn to the malicious and reckless publication with the above caption dated the 4th day of October, 2022. The said publication which was instigated by one Dr. Momoh Muhammed Usman, the Chairman, Board of Trustees of (the Participation Initiative for Behavioral Change in Development (PIUCID), Kogi State, is not only false and mulicious but very much defamatory’ and same is calculated to gravely damage our client’s reputation and thus reduce her estimation in the eyes of the general public and in particular the Development Sector.

In debunking the fallacious message passed via the said publication, our client
considers it imperative to bring to the notice of the public that prior to and during the course of her employment as the Executive Director of PIBCID, she was constantly harassed sexually by Dr. Momoh Muhammed Usman. The said Dr. Momoh Mohammed Usman had claimed without any evidence whatsoever to be
instrumental to our client’s employment with PIBCID and as a result he had made
her a tainted offer of marriage which said offer was out rightly rejected by our client
and the rejection of his marriage proposal is the singular reason Dr. Momoh
Muhammed Usman has persisted in his quest to tarnish the image of our Client in the media space.

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As a result of our client’s rejection of his tainted offer. Dr. Momoh Muhhummed Usman, on the 15th day of December, 2021 invited our client to his office wherein he compelled her to either aceed to his demands or resign her appointment. Arising from the above demand, our client submitted her resignation letter on the 17th day of December, 2021 and the said resignation letter was received by Dr. Momoh Mohammed Usman who thereafter issued a letter of Claerance/Exit authenticated by himself to our client. A copy of the clearance/exit is hereunder attached for the information of the general public.

Sequel to her resignation, our client Issued a press statement to put the public on notice to the effect that she is no longer in the employment of PIBCID. It is fundamental to state at this juncture that, at the time of our client’s resignation, the organizational project of PIBCID was closed out and there was no complaint whatsoever lodged against our client with regard to fraudulent activities hence she was dully cleared by the Organization.

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flowing from the above, we have our client’s firm instruction to state and we hereby state in clear terms that the above captioned publication is false and there is no scintilla of evidence to substantiate same hence we urge members of the public to disregard the said publication in its entirety.

Let it be known to all that Halima Oiza Sadiq was never suspended but she resigned her appointment and was dully cleared of any wrongdoing by those who now accuse her falsely

We therefore call Dr. Momoh Muhammed Usman and all his rented platforms
be it human or otherwise to desist from any further action that tends to bring our client’s personality and reputation to a state of disrepute as any further step in that direction will be resisted within the ambits of the law.

Thank you and be properly guided.

See Halima Oiza Sadiq Exit/letter of clearance below:




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