Nigerians Pay Tribute To Sarkin Yaki Of Lokoja At 8th Day Fidau Prayer

By Amuda Dan Sulaiman Fab

Clerics at the 8th Day Fidau Prayers for late Sarkin Yaki of Lokoja, Alhaji Mohammed Karaworo Ahmed on Saturday urged Nigerian leaders and all those in position of authority  to emulate the life of service to humanity as exemplified by the late community leader.

Alhaji Muhammed Karaworo Ahmed, who until his death penultimate Saturday, in Kano, was the Sarkin Yaki of Lokoja, passed on peacefully at his residence in Kano at the age of 96 years.

Delivering a lecture at the occasion which took place at the Maigari of Lokoja palace, the Chief Imam of Lokoja, Sheikh Muhammed Aminu Shaban, said the principal lesson to learn from the life of Alhaji Ahmed was the fact that he lived a life of God consciousness adding that only such a life could ensure a prosperous and united Nigeria.

Sheikh Abubakar Angulu who delivered the second lecture of the day, said the time has come for Nigerian leaders to readdress themselves regarding their intention as to what they do as leaders adding that without God consciousness, the leaders would not be able to lead with wisdom and understanding of the needs of the people.

“The lesson we should take away from here is that we, as leaders must readdress ourselves regarding our intentions, especially as what we do as leaders in high places”, the Islamic Scholar said adding that the whole of life is supposed to be devoted to the service of God.

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Sheikh Angulu also urged Nigerian leaders to make the fear of God the basis for the nation’s Education policy adding that without inculcating the fear of God in the children, the effort to build a society where accountability, transparency, equity and justice are the norms would remain a mirage.

“Leaders should ensure that the fear of God is the basis for the education we give our children. Without bringing up our children in the fear of God, the hope of ridding our nation of such societal vices as corruption, inequity and injustice will remain unattainable for all times”, the cleric said.

He further explained, “If leaders will lead with God consciousness, we will follow with God consciousness and their good deeds will be rewarded by Allah not only for their good deeds but for the good deeds of all those who follow them”

In her tribute read at the venue, the FCT Minister of State, Dr Ramatu Tijjani Aliyu who was represented by Hajiya Nafisat Usman, described the late Sarkin Yaki as a loving father, an inspirational patron, an activist, defender of the rights of the poor and the underprivileged in the society.

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Consoling his son, the Dandarma of Lokoja, Barrister Naseer Ahmad and the family he left behind, the Minister continued, “An accomplished business icon, a bridge builder across all social divides and a philanthropist of pre-eminent stature, his passing is no doubt a great loss to you and other members of the family”.

“You should, however, find some comfort in the fact that your dear father has left behind a larger family that cut across the length and breath of the nation who all share the grief with you at this time”, the Minister said, adding, “As our beloved father, Sarkin Yaki of LokojaI, transcends to greater glory, it is my prayer, on behalf of my family, that his soul finds eternal rest in the bosom of the Almighty Allah”.

The Chairman Lokoja Forum Of Patriots, Alhaji Idris Baba’Ango, in his tribute, said although Alhaji Ahmed had passed on, his immortality has been secured “by his many good deeds etched permanently in the hearts of all whose path he crossed”.

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Baba’Ango described the late Sarkin Yaki as a great mobilizer, pointing out that “because of his magnanimity in philanthropy, fear of Allah, ability to communicate through genuine interfacing and interaction with people, he earned the respect of all who came his way”.

In his tribute, the Dandarma of Lokoja, Barrister Naseer Ahmad described his father as ”a good thinker, passionate and compassionate”, adding “he has left a very good legacy for everyone. I take solace in the fact that he impacted in all those he came across during his 96 glorious years on earth”.

Some of the highlights of the event included the reciting of the whole Koran by  Islamic scholars, lectures rendered in Hausa language by Sheik Sheikh Halifa Arif Yabagi and Imam Abu Bilal in which they urged Nigerian leaders to emulate the life of service to humanity as exemplified by late Alhaji Mohammed Karaworo Ahmed.

The “Celebration of Life” was made colourful by the huge turnout of prominent men and women, traditional title holders, politicians, traders and dignitaries from all walks of life.

See pictures of the event below:





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