Oganenigu Killings: Braimoh Commiserates With Victims

*** shelves birthday celebrations, urges security agents to apprehend culprits

By Lami Ibrahim

A front-line governorship aspirant in Kogi State under the platform of the Action Alliance (AA), Mr. Olayinka Braimoh has condemned the killings that occurred at the Oganenigu community in Dekina Local Government Area (LGA) of the state and called on the police and other security organisations to fish out the perpetrators of the dastardly act.
Oganenigu was last weekend invaded by men suspected to be Fulani herdsmen killing scores of innocent people and setting houses in the community ablaze with several people sustaining different degrees of injury.

In a statement made available to newsmen in Lokoja on Monday , Mr. Olayinka Braimoh described the attack as wicked, despicable, and capable of destabilising the peace that hitherto reigned among the people in the area

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While announcing that he will not be having any form of celebration for his 46th birthday as a way of empathising with the people of Oganenigu, Braimoh noted that the attack was particularly unfortunate, especially at this solemn period when the Muslim faithful are observing the Ramadan fasting, while a cross-section of the Christians are similarly undergoing the Lent period.

While commiserating with the families of those who lost their lives in the attack, the gubernatorial aspirant called on the state government and security agencies to swiftly rise to protect the community and evacuate the residents who might have been trappedor displaced especially the aged and the physically challenged ones.

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Braimoh commiserates with the family of the slain Oganenigu ward chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Hon James Adah, and others affected by the ugly and unfortunate attack. He also urged the people to remain calm and not take laws into their hands.

Braimoh noted that such a grievous act on Oganenigu community is a worthy pretext for the good people of Kogi state to use the opportunity of the forthcoming gubernatorial elections to choose a governor who can take tough decisions, understand how to solve problems, and could unite the people.

The gubernatorial candidate further said that such an informed decision is needed to make Kogi state an investors destination that is prosperous for all its inhabitants, while working assiduously to emplace sustainable security measures that will forestall all forms of inter-ethnic attacks, kidnapping, armed robbery, communal crises, among others.

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